Walker on birthright citizenship: 3 positions, 7 days

Walker on birthright citizenship: 3 positions, 7 days

Though such a stance is popular with the Republican primary electorate, it would doom a…

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Ellen Page confronts GOP candidate Ted Cruz on gay rights

Ellen Page confronts GOP candidate Ted Cruz on gay rights

Ted Cruz has recently taken to commending Republican presidential rival Donald Trump for getting the…

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53% of Democrat Voters Want Someone Other Than Hillary — CNN Poll
Trump tightens the pace with Clinton

Trump tightens the pace with Clinton

But Clinton’s speech served to turn another page in a new, more aggressive chapter in…

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Republican presidential candidate criticizes Walker health care plan

Republican presidential candidate criticizes Walker health care plan

On the other hand, plan/files/Day-One-Patient-Freedom-Plan.pdf” target=”_blank”>Walker’s plan wouldn’t be cheap.

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Now Some Poor Kid Thinks Donald Trump Is Batman

Now Some Poor Kid Thinks Donald Trump Is Batman

Number of Clinton Classified Emails at 60 and Climbing

Number of Clinton Classified Emails at 60 and Climbing

So far, analysts have reviewed about 20 percent of the 30,000 emails the presidential hopeful…

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Carly Fiorina: Raising Minimum Wage Hurts Those It Claims to Help

Carly Fiorina: Raising Minimum Wage Hurts Those It Claims to Help

Marco Rubio does an early morning workout in hotel gyms, Rick Santorum does at least…

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Candidates greet Iowans at the fair
‘I am not intimidated,’ Walker tells protesters at Iowa State Fair

‘I am not intimidated,’ Walker tells protesters at Iowa State Fair

“In a speech at the Iowa State Fair, Sunday afternoon, GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben…

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