Scott Walker Takes Heat at State Fair

Scott Walker Takes Heat at State Fair

Hillary Clinton to hand over email server

Hillary Clinton to hand over email server


Donald Trump knows what kids want: Helicopter rides
In Iowa, Clinton Turns Email Controversy Into A Punchline

In Iowa, Clinton Turns Email Controversy Into A Punchline

It’s the first time Sanders has surpassed Clinton in New Hampshire. It won’t be easy.

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Candidates play fair in Iowa

Candidates play fair in Iowa

But echoing earlier controversial remarks that Mexico was sending criminals across the border, Trump said…

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Clinton dismisses latest controversy over her emails

Clinton dismisses latest controversy over her emails

Republicans in Congress have seized on the involvement of federal law enforcement in the matter…

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Hillary on Snapchat: I love how messages ‘disappear all by themselves’
Clinton offers forceful defense on Benghazi, emails

Clinton offers forceful defense on Benghazi, emails

“They’ll try to tell you it’s about Benghazi, yet it’s not”, Clinton stated, pointing to…

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Democratic presidential candidates visit Clear Lake for annual Wing Ding

Democratic presidential candidates visit Clear Lake for annual Wing Ding

Sanders’ foremost progressive challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination – made the observation Thursday at…

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Clinton wants scholarships, child care for student parents

Clinton wants scholarships, child care for student parents

“The Iowa State Fair is something of a right of passage for presidential candidates, featuring…

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