Stunning Michelle Obama oozes glamour at State Dinner

Stunning Michelle Obama oozes glamour at State Dinner

‘We Can’t Take Every Refugee’: German Minister Admits Merkel’s Error

‘We Can’t Take Every Refugee’: German Minister Admits Merkel’s Error

Controversially, a meeting of European Union interior ministers last Monday failed to reach a deal…

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NYC mayor meets with Cuban President Castro

NYC mayor meets with Cuban President Castro

Castro is due to address the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations…

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Top American IT CEOs endorse ‘Digital India’

Top American IT CEOs endorse ‘Digital India’

A crowd of adoring supporters welcomed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he landed at…

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Liberals and Conservatives tied in new poll, NDP behind

Liberals and Conservatives tied in new poll, NDP behind

In Toronto, the Liberals have a comfortable six per cent lead over the Conservatives at…

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USA tech titans attend Obama’s state dinner for Xi — Hi-tech flavour

USA tech titans attend Obama’s state dinner for Xi — Hi-tech flavour

Okay, we’re going to take a few questions. In addition, the systems of private companies…

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Niqabs and Quebec separation highlight latest leaders’ debate

Niqabs and Quebec separation highlight latest leaders’ debate

Harper fired back by saying he will never tell his young daughter a women should…

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Chinese President Xi Jinping announces $2 billion fund for South-South cooperation

Chinese President Xi Jinping announces $2 billion fund for South-South cooperation

The state media coverage has acknowledged that frictions do exist, but have focused more on…

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An India vs Pakistan dual may be avoided in New York!

An India vs Pakistan dual may be avoided in New York!

India and Pakistan claim the entire territory of Kashmir as their own, but based on…

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State dinner: All about big business, and bringing Mom

State dinner: All about big business, and bringing Mom

China is already the world’s largest carbon emitter, but its status as a developing country…

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