Cup of Coffee at Bedtime Disturbs Internal Clock of Body, says Study

Cup of Coffee at Bedtime Disturbs Internal Clock of Body, says Study

As per a small and preliminary study, caffeine does more than serving as an eye-opener.…

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Women With Moderate Drinking Habit May Up Breast Cancer Risk

Women With Moderate Drinking Habit May Up Breast Cancer Risk

The American Cancer Society said in an announcement that more than 60,000 instances of DCIS…

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Daily Alcohol Consumption Can Increase Cancer Risk

Daily Alcohol Consumption Can Increase Cancer Risk

Scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital…

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Women with DCIS may not require Treatment

Women with DCIS may not require Treatment

The data showed that some patients were at higher risk: those younger than 40, black…

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Light Drinking Could Also Increase Risk Of Cancer

Light Drinking Could Also Increase Risk Of Cancer

Consuming just one or two alcoholic drinks every day can increase a person’s risk of…

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Even light to moderate drinking linked to cancer risk

Even light to moderate drinking linked to cancer risk

The study carried on by researchers from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and…

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One Drink Per Day Increases Risk of Cancer in Women

One Drink Per Day Increases Risk of Cancer in Women

If nothing else, the study provides a clearer look into the relationship between alcohol and…

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