Singer Supports Planned Parenthood Amid Controversy — Pink News

Singer Supports Planned Parenthood Amid Controversy — Pink News

Planned Parenthood, which provides healthcare services to millions of women at hundreds of centers nationwide,…

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Anti-Abortion Group Release 6th Planned Parenthood Video

Anti-Abortion Group Release 6th Planned Parenthood Video

After the U.S. Senate voted against a plan to stop Planned Parenthood from receiving federal…

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Planned Parenthood procedures questioned

Planned Parenthood procedures questioned

Planned Parenthood is accusing state health care officials of wrongly citing three of their abortion…

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Four Florida Planned Parenthoods cited for performing unlicensed abortions

Four Florida Planned Parenthoods cited for performing unlicensed abortions

Alabama’s governor Robert Bentley’s office recently released a statement that the state Medicaid Agency will…

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Senate GOP Fails To Defund Planned Parenthood In Wake Of Video Debacle

Senate GOP Fails To Defund Planned Parenthood In Wake Of Video Debacle

That was seven short of the 60 votes needed to keep the measure moving toward…

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