USA marks 46 years since Apollo 11 moon landing

USA marks 46 years since Apollo 11 moon landing

Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz ” Aldrin and Michael Collins (their personal conduct) have been…

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Today in history – July 20

Today in history – July 20

Armstrong dropped the jett bag to the surface, and later kicked it under the lunar…

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Weather Talk: Moon walk anniversary

Weather Talk: Moon walk anniversary

The mission’s third member, air force Lt. Col. Michael Collins stayed behind on the Columbia,…

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Apollo 11 Celebrates Its 46th Anniversary on Monday

Apollo 11 Celebrates Its 46th Anniversary on Monday

1969 moon landing: Nixon speech in case of failure

1969 moon landing: Nixon speech in case of failure

Armstrong’s first step on the moon was historical and most significant in the name of…

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US marks 46 years since Apollo 11 moon landing

US marks 46 years since Apollo 11 moon landing

Armstrong and Aldrin would spend a total of 21 hours on the Moon, two-and-a-half of…

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Monday July 20 is the 46th Anniversary of the first lunar landing

Monday July 20 is the 46th Anniversary of the first lunar landing

Armstrong and Aldrin explored their Sea of Tranquility landing site for about two and a…

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Historic Apollo 11 lunar landing 46th anniversary on July 20

Historic Apollo 11 lunar landing 46th anniversary on July 20

It was on July 20, 1969 when the Apollo spacecraft made a touchdown on the…

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Apollo 11 46th Anniversary: First Moon Landing Commemorated July 20

Apollo 11 46th Anniversary: First Moon Landing Commemorated July 20

Wargaming has announced that Lunar Mode is back for World of Tanks: Xbox Edition for…

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