White House Confirms Obama To Visit Roseburg Friday

White House Confirms Obama To Visit Roseburg Friday

“I would not just stand there and let him shoot me”, Republican presidential candidate Ben…

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State Department seeks more work-related emails from Clinton

State Department seeks more work-related emails from Clinton

Congressional committees have voiced skepticism as to whether the 30,940 emails that the Democratic presidential…

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Obama to visit Roseburg in wake of shooting

Obama to visit Roseburg in wake of shooting

Clinton says she’ll offer plan for ‘Wall Street abuses’

Clinton says she’ll offer plan for ‘Wall Street abuses’

After nothing that each candidate went after her tenure at State, Clinton said, “Let’s send…

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Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘is pretty much done’

Rand Paul: Ted Cruz ‘is pretty much done’

Cruz, for his part, may not care that his bellicose rhetoric has lost him friends…

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Obama says US won’t cooperate with Russian military campaign in Syria; calls

Obama says US won’t cooperate with Russian military campaign in Syria; calls

Obama said Putin has stepped deeper into a conflict that can not be solved by…

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Clinton Takes on Sanders’s Free Tuition Plan

Clinton Takes on Sanders’s Free Tuition Plan

Five recent polls lead me to conclude America will again vote a Democrat into office…

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Sen. Rand Paul: Cruz is “pretty much done for” in Senate

Sen. Rand Paul: Cruz is “pretty much done for” in Senate

Kilmeade then asked Paul if McConnell has let him down by pushing for a temporary…

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Biden backs transgender military service as US weighs policy

Biden backs transgender military service as US weighs policy

Although he’s not officially a candidate, Vice President Joe Biden gave a campaign-style speech to…

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White House ‘Welcomes’ Clinton’s Proposal For Executive Action On Gun Control

White House ‘Welcomes’ Clinton’s Proposal For Executive Action On Gun Control

Mr. Obama went on, “When Americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to make…

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