Say Hi-dilly-ho to this Ned Flanders-themed metal band

Say Hi-dilly-ho to this Ned Flanders-themed metal band

Next, they recruited some friends, got some matching green crew neck jumpers, and rebranded to:…

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Okilly Dokilly Rocks “Nedal”, Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Music

Okilly Dokilly Rocks “Nedal”, Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Music

Elaborating on where the idea for the Okilly Dokilly’s came from Head Ned revealed the…

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There’s Actually A Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Band, Because Why Not

There’s Actually A Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Band, Because Why Not

About those titles-each band member’s stage name is a riff on Ned Flanders, including Head…

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