PlayStation VR is the new name for Sony’s Project Morpheus

PlayStation VR is the new name for Sony’s Project Morpheus

Sony subsequently not only proved naysayers wrong, the PlayStation 4 certainly can power compelling VR…

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Sony announces name for virtual reality headset

Sony announces name for virtual reality headset

With Sony, Microsoft, HTC, Samsung, Razer and Facebook all involved in this latest revolution of…

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PlayStation Morpheus Earns Its Official Name: PlayStation VR

PlayStation Morpheus Earns Its Official Name: PlayStation VR

Detail of the Sony PlayStation 4 and peripherals, including the virtual reality “Project Morpheus“, during…

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Costumes Rule at Comic-Con Fan Fest

Costumes Rule at Comic-Con Fan Fest

A surprise addition to the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) line-up has been revealed today,…

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Sony Not Talking Morpheus Headset Price And The Reason Makes Sense

Sony Not Talking Morpheus Headset Price And The Reason Makes Sense

Sony is planning on releasing the Morpheus virtual reality headset next year for the PlayStation…

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