Hillary Clinton Sets A Goal Of 500,000,000 Solar Panels

Hillary Clinton Sets A Goal Of 500,000,000 Solar Panels

“I will refrain from commenting because I had a leading role in getting that process…

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Clinton promises to be the renewable energy president

Clinton promises to be the renewable energy president

“Whatever (Murray) advocates I pay a lot of attention to, because she knows how to…

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Clinton to invest in renewables

Clinton to invest in renewables

Clinton offers energy plans, declines comment on pipeline

Clinton offers energy plans, declines comment on pipeline

Aimed at making the US a clean energy super power, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton…

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In Iowa, Clinton says climate plan will promote renewables

In Iowa, Clinton says climate plan will promote renewables

Democrat Hillary Clinton just upped her game on the climate change platform in the race…

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Hillary Clinton’s Climate Change Plan Unveiled: Renewable Energy Leads

Hillary Clinton’s Climate Change Plan Unveiled: Renewable Energy Leads

Clinton in contrast said her plan would result in the equivalent of rooftop solar on…

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Renewable Energy Generation Awards Contract For Cornwall Solar Deal

Renewable Energy Generation Awards Contract For Cornwall Solar Deal

“Solar energy not only serves our planet by reducing pollution and battling climate change, it…

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