Key Democrats object to new Republican Iran measure

Key Democrats object to new Republican Iran measure

Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tried to force similar votes earlier this year during debate over the…

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Senate to hold new vote on Iran nuclear deal, Dems to block

Senate to hold new vote on Iran nuclear deal, Dems to block

That would mean a resolution of disapproval of the Iran deal under the Corker bill…

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What’s Going on With the Iran Deal?

What’s Going on With the Iran Deal?

A new CNN/ORC poll finds 59% of Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling…

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Obama gets Iran deal win from US Senate Democrats

Obama gets Iran deal win from US Senate Democrats

She called the accord “the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear…

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Iran Nuclear Deal News: Senate Democrats Reject GOP Effort to Block Agreement

Iran Nuclear Deal News: Senate Democrats Reject GOP Effort to Block Agreement

Only 162 lawmakers voted in favour of a resolution endorsing the contested agreement struck on…

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Democratic US Senator Booker backs Iran nuclear pact

Democratic US Senator Booker backs Iran nuclear pact

Deal supporters’ first goal was to muster enough votes in the Senate or House to…

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US Democratic Senate leader Reid backs Iran nuclear deal

US Democratic Senate leader Reid backs Iran nuclear deal

President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is picking up crucial support from swing-state Senate…

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Obama: US can use military if Iran breaks deal

Obama: US can use military if Iran breaks deal

Robert Menendez – have said they will vote against the deal. “I will vote no…

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Obama Gains More Support For Nuclear Deal With Iran

Obama Gains More Support For Nuclear Deal With Iran

“The agreement that has been reached failed to achieve the one thing it set out…

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Menendez Becomes Second Senate Democrat To Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal

Menendez Becomes Second Senate Democrat To Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal

Sen. Robert Menendez announced Tuesday he will oppose President Barack Obama’s nuclear

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