Malaysia confirms wing part is from missing MH370

Malaysia confirms wing part is from missing MH370

He added that helicopters would also be used, as would soldiers and policemen who will…

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Malaysian PM confirms airplane debris is from MH370 wreckage

Malaysian PM confirms airplane debris is from MH370 wreckage

Adding to the confusion, French investigators have not been sent any new wreckage to analyse…

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Malaysia seeks assistance from aviation authorities on missing flight MH370

Malaysia seeks assistance from aviation authorities on missing flight MH370

A Malaysian official announced on Sunday that the object recently found on the island of…

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MH370 wing piece could yield trove of detail on lost flight

MH370 wing piece could yield trove of detail on lost flight

Malaysian transport minister Liow Tiong Lai added to the confusion, saying a Malaysian team had…

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France combs land, sea, and air of Reunion for more MH370 debris

France combs land, sea, and air of Reunion for more MH370 debris

Families aching for closure after their relatives disappeared aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 last year…

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The search for MH370: Confusion over new material found on Reunion Island

The search for MH370: Confusion over new material found on Reunion Island

“I only believe the French government”, said Li Yuehua, whose 29-year-old daughter Li Wenbo was…

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Part belongs to MH370: Malaysian minister

Part belongs to MH370: Malaysian minister

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak earlier told reporters: “Today, 515 days since the plane disappeared,…

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France steps up search for MH370 plane debris

France steps up search for MH370 plane debris

Now investigators will reportedly turn their focus to the area around Reunion Island to determine…

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France to step up search for MH370 debris
MH370: Experts to begin examining wing part

MH370: Experts to begin examining wing part

A previous piece of airplane debris, which investigators believe is a “flaperon” from the wing…

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