Florida inspectors find violations at 4 Planned Parenthood clinics

Florida inspectors find violations at 4 Planned Parenthood clinics

Three were performing procedures beyond their licensing authority and one was not keep proper logs…

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Planned Parenthood responds to results of Gov. Scott’s investigation

Planned Parenthood responds to results of Gov. Scott’s investigation

“We’re going to stand up for the sanctity of human life”, Vander Plaats says, “and…

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Pro-life groups gather for Women Betrayed Rally in Birmingham

Pro-life groups gather for Women Betrayed Rally in Birmingham

The Observer notes the mayor has been critical of GOP presidential candidates, but a statement…

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Abortion supporters get help from courts in video fight

Abortion supporters get help from courts in video fight

“You’re removing contraception with this defunding, and if you remove contraception, you get unintended pregnancies,…

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Anti-abortion group releases third Planned Parenthood video

Anti-abortion group releases third Planned Parenthood video

“At an anti-abortion rally Tuesday protesting Planned Parenthood, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson compared…

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Fetal organs don’t fetch profit – Times-Gazette | Ashland & Ashland County, Ohio

Fetal organs don’t fetch profit – Times-Gazette | Ashland & Ashland County, Ohio

Two videos previously released by the Center for Medical Progress have stirred up allegations that…

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Planned Parenthood official says no profit from fetal organs

Planned Parenthood official says no profit from fetal organs

The Daily Dot reports that the hackers “say they attempted to deface Planned Parenthood’s site”…

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Edited video on tissue donation led to Planned Parenthood hack — Daily Dot

Edited video on tissue donation led to Planned Parenthood hack — Daily Dot

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform…

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Planned Parenthood senior official caught discussing business in fetal organs

Planned Parenthood senior official caught discussing business in fetal organs

Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also…

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