Sarah Palin defends ‘tough’ Donald Trump

Sarah Palin defends ‘tough’ Donald Trump

On this Thursday, September 3, 2015, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump looks at a…

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Not the Onion: Sarah Palin calls on immigrants to ‘speak American’

Not the Onion: Sarah Palin calls on immigrants to ‘speak American’

Sarah Palin knows the position she wants in a Donald Trump administration: Energy secretary. The…

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Sarah Palin Will Interview Donald Trump Tonight

Sarah Palin Will Interview Donald Trump Tonight

Sarah Palin, promoting her guest-hosting gig on a news channel you’ve never heard of, gave…

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Donald Trump Would ‘Love’ Having Sarah Palin In His Cabinet

Donald Trump Would ‘Love’ Having Sarah Palin In His Cabinet

“They’re ineffective. To a degree that’s nearly hard to believe”, Trump said.

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Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox News allowed to run out

Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox News allowed to run out

Fox News Channel said Wednesday, June 24, 2015, that it was not renewing Palin’s contract…

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