Trump pledges military buildup, better deal for vets

Trump pledges military buildup, better deal for vets

Prior to the event, Joel Arends, who heads Veterans for a Strong America, announced the…

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Hillary Clinton jabs at Trump during first late-night show appearance

Hillary Clinton jabs at Trump during first late-night show appearance


GOP’s Fiorina shows off a lighter side on ‘The Tonight Show’

GOP’s Fiorina shows off a lighter side on ‘The Tonight Show’

Before showing off her singing skills, the 2016 hopeful talked about her Christian faith and…

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Carly Fiorina sings about her dog Snickers, wins America’s vote

Carly Fiorina sings about her dog Snickers, wins America’s vote

On “The Tonight Show”, Fiorina serenaded Fallon with a song and discussed her primary opponents.

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Carly Fiorina: Ben Carson ‘Wrong’ To Say A Muslim Shouldn’t Be President

Carly Fiorina: Ben Carson ‘Wrong’ To Say A Muslim Shouldn’t Be President

Mirroring the significance recently night TV to political crusades, as she showed up on Fallon,…

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Candidates Criticize Trump Over ‘Muslim’ Comments

Candidates Criticize Trump Over ‘Muslim’ Comments

Donald Trump drew criticism for not defending the president at his New Hampshire town hall…

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Scott Walker to end 2016 presidential bid in race’s first shock dropout

Scott Walker to end 2016 presidential bid in race’s first shock dropout

Walker’s campaign announced he would hold a news conference in Madison, Wisconsin, at 6 p.m.…

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Trump pledges better health deal for vets

Trump pledges better health deal for vets

First, the particulars: the group in question is the fundraising organization associated with the Club…

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Walker drops out of Republican race

Walker drops out of Republican race

Governor Scott Walker, who jumped into the Republican primary in July as a front-runner in…

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You gave Fiorina easy questions — Trump to CNN

You gave Fiorina easy questions — Trump to CNN

This was Fiorina’s first appearance on the main stage after excelling at the warm-up debate…

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