Ben Carson Says He Would Not Be Comfortable With A Muslim President

Ben Carson Says He Would Not Be Comfortable With A Muslim President

I absolutely would not agree with that”, the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate told…

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Gov. Scott Walker polls at zero percent in GOP race for President

Gov. Scott Walker polls at zero percent in GOP race for President

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is expected to be the Republican candidate to abandon his quest…

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Hilarious: Hillary dodges every question in 14-minute CNN interview with Wolf

Hilarious: Hillary dodges every question in 14-minute CNN interview with Wolf

Klein found similar inconsistencies in Fiorina’s discussion of immigration and Planned Parenthood. According to the…

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Trump’s insult of Fiorina fuels bipartisan backlash

Trump’s insult of Fiorina fuels bipartisan backlash

Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?”. Given the histrionics in which…

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Carly Fiorina comes out as serious candidate after scoring big — News Analysis

Carly Fiorina comes out as serious candidate after scoring big — News Analysis

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson: He backed down on his criticism of Trump’s proposal to deport…

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Bernie Sanders speaks to students at UNH Sunday

Bernie Sanders speaks to students at UNH Sunday

Several recent polls have shown Sanders leading Clinton in New Hampshire and Iowa.

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Trump to publish ‘America great’ book in October

Trump to publish ‘America great’ book in October

While running for president, Donald Trump has found time to write a new book.

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Fiorina factor, faith face-off as second Republican debate looms

Fiorina factor, faith face-off as second Republican debate looms

Rather than sidestep the putdown, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO cleverly turned it into an asset,…

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Right here’s Why The South Poses A Huge Drawback For Bernie Sanders

Right here’s Why The South Poses A Huge Drawback For Bernie Sanders

Democratic voters have placed increased pressure on DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz for restricting the…

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First poll after GOP debate shows Trump still leading, but Fiorina gaining

First poll after GOP debate shows Trump still leading, but Fiorina gaining

“I am extraordinarily concerned about the direction of this country, the divisiveness that’s going on,…

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