Trump, Carson tied for lead in new Iowa poll

Trump, Carson tied for lead in new Iowa poll

Another 9% of Republicans say Trump is their second choice for president, the new Des…

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren: A potential vice presidential bid “something I’m not”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: A potential vice presidential bid “something I’m not”

Ostensibly, he was at Miami Dade Collegeto talk about college readiness, but the substance of…

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Trump, Cruz to share in rally against arrangement on Iran

Trump, Cruz to share in rally against arrangement on Iran

Factoring in the existing team announced in mid-May, Cruz’s leaders in New Hampshire number 107,…

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Jeb Bush Clarifies “Anchor Baby” Derogatory Comment, Challenges Political

Jeb Bush Clarifies “Anchor Baby” Derogatory Comment, Challenges Political

Last March, US investigators raided dozens of Los Angeles locations suspected of offering “maternity tourism”…

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Bush maintains anti-Trump campaign


Valley voters weigh in on the term ‘anchor babies’

Valley voters weigh in on the term ‘anchor babies’

A day after a firestorm over GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s use of the word…

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Scott Walker outlines hawkish foreign policy

Scott Walker outlines hawkish foreign policy

“I have been tested like no other candidate in this race”, he said Friday.

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Hillary Clinton allowed to break rules in speech at DNC summer meeting

Hillary Clinton allowed to break rules in speech at DNC summer meeting

“It’s time to rebuild our party from the ground up, and if you make me…

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Teenager Uses Bush’s “Anchor Baby” Comment to Inspire Asian-Americans to Share

Teenager Uses Bush’s “Anchor Baby” Comment to Inspire Asian-Americans to Share

Ted Cruz: Birthright citizenship “doesn’t make sense”

Ted Cruz: Birthright citizenship “doesn’t make sense”

Christie, however, dismissed Trump’s plan during an appearance on “Face the Nation”. Experts say that…

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