Trump open to taking big and small campaign contributions

Trump open to taking big and small campaign contributions

Frank Rich was one of the great theater critics, and he managed to praise and…

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Donald Trump on market crash: ‘This could get very messy!’

Donald Trump on market crash: ‘This could get very messy!’

“Well, first of all, they’re wrong”, Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, said Sunday on ABC’s…

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Trump attacks Facebook over ‘cheap migrants’: Presidential hopeful says he

Trump attacks Facebook over ‘cheap migrants’: Presidential hopeful says he

Donald Trump said during an interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe that he believed a low…

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John Kasich: GOP made mistake in proposing to ‘kill’ Education Department

John Kasich: GOP made mistake in proposing to ‘kill’ Education Department

“Pro-life voters, especially most Republican primary voters, do not accept Roe as the law of…

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Donald Trump: Border Patrol Agents Unable to Enforce Lax Immigration Laws

Donald Trump: Border Patrol Agents Unable to Enforce Lax Immigration Laws

Interestingly, Jindal, who is trailing at the bottom in most of the opinion polls and…

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Bush talks tax-cutting in speech to tea party group

Bush talks tax-cutting in speech to tea party group

He became defensive when pressed, saying “you give me a better term and I’ll use…

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Speculation rises as Biden meets popular Democrat

Speculation rises as Biden meets popular Democrat

Vice-President Joe Biden on Saturday left the seclusion of the Delaware home where he has…

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Under fire from Trump, Bush denies role in ‘anchor baby’ memo

Under fire from Trump, Bush denies role in ‘anchor baby’ memo

Donald Trump last night was in Derry, New Hampshire, at a press conference. The reporter…

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George P. Bush: Jeb Bush Will ‘Pivot’ on Loaded Language

George P. Bush: Jeb Bush Will ‘Pivot’ on Loaded Language

AMY ROBACH: Now to your voice, your vote, Donald Trump holding a pep rally tonight…

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Marco Rubio Gives Brutally Honest Clarification on Birthright Citizenship and