Trump plans rally in 40000-seat stadium in Ala

Trump plans rally in 40000-seat stadium in Ala

He’ll now be appearing at Ladd Peeples Stadium, home of the University of South Alabama’s…

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Mexican worker at Trump SoHo reacts to Donald Trump views in video

Mexican worker at Trump SoHo reacts to Donald Trump views in video

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigns at the Iowa State Fair on August 15, 2015…

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Undocumented Children Aren’t US Citizens

Undocumented Children Aren’t US Citizens

Trump says Fox News chief promised him fair coverage

Trump says Fox News chief promised him fair coverage

Megyn Kelly is standing by what she asked Donald Trump is the first GOP presidential…

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Cruz ‘absolutely’ supports ending birthright citizenship

Cruz ‘absolutely’ supports ending birthright citizenship

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said at the Iowa State Fair Monday that he similarly supported…

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Donald Trump campaigns in Michigan

Donald Trump campaigns in Michigan

Experts say that with Trump still atop the polls after Thursday’s debate, it’s hard to…

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Donald Trump accuses Ferguson and Chicago ‘gang members’ of being undocumented

Donald Trump accuses Ferguson and Chicago ‘gang members’ of being undocumented

Brash chatter from Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump seems to have sucked all the proverbial…

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Rick Santorum rips Ted Cruz, Scott Walker as soft on immigration

Rick Santorum rips Ted Cruz, Scott Walker as soft on immigration

Victory Research, a political consulting firm, surveyed 801 “likely Republican primary voters” in Illinois from…

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Donald Trump set to hold massive rally tonight in Alabama

Donald Trump set to hold massive rally tonight in Alabama

Trump’s team has had to move the pep rally and town-hall meeting twice already after…

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Rubio fights rain at Iowa State Fair soapbox

Rubio fights rain at Iowa State Fair soapbox

He later said he favored setting term limits for elected officials and federal judges –…

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