Carly Fiorina Backs Away From Shutting Down Government Over Planned Parenthood

Carly Fiorina Backs Away From Shutting Down Government Over Planned Parenthood

Dressed in pink, donning contraception costumes and waving pom-poms, Planned Parenthood protesters chanted at the…

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Ben Carson Says Black Voters Are Being Manipulated

Ben Carson Says Black Voters Are Being Manipulated

Gallagher also brought up a YouGov poll suggesting that around 74% of Black voters disapproved…

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Donald Trump sets his sights on Marco Rubio: He’s just a ‘kid’

Donald Trump sets his sights on Marco Rubio: He’s just a ‘kid’

At the Values Voters Summit on Friday, Trump called Rubio a “clown” – a remark…

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Colbert To Trump: Was Obama Born In The United States?

Colbert To Trump: Was Obama Born In The United States?

Although Trump had for years hammered away at Obama’s citizenship, he declined to take a…

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Rand Paul wins straw poll during GOP gathering on Mackinac Island

Rand Paul wins straw poll during GOP gathering on Mackinac Island

Cruz said Saturday that Michigan was “ground zero” for the “Reagan revolution” by introducing the…

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Brady Walks Back Support of Trump

Brady Walks Back Support of Trump

Earlier this month, Brady said it would be “great” if the abrasive GOP frontrunner became…

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JEB BUSH: Here’s when Donald Trump really ‘bugs me’

JEB BUSH: Here’s when Donald Trump really ‘bugs me’

It’s his personality, and the rest of his policies, that they can’t stand.

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Carly Fiorina avoids injury after stage collapses in San Antonio

Carly Fiorina avoids injury after stage collapses in San Antonio

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is okay after a scare on stage during her speech…

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‘Boycott’ ends: Here’s why Trump is returning to Fox’s ‘O’Reilly Factor’

‘Boycott’ ends: Here’s why Trump is returning to Fox’s ‘O’Reilly Factor’

A Fox News spokeswoman confirmed Monday night that the GOP frontrunner is booked on Tuesday’s…

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Stephen Colbert Finds The One Thing Donald Trump Won’t Talk About Anymore

Stephen Colbert Finds The One Thing Donald Trump Won’t Talk About Anymore

“First, Colbert pressed Trump with a “big fat meatball” of a question: “[Was] Barack Obama…

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