Former Fetal Tissue Company Rep Speaks Out: Planned Parenthood Chops Up Babies

Former Fetal Tissue Company Rep Speaks Out: Planned Parenthood Chops Up Babies

The Center for Medical Progress released a new video today, which alleges that Planned Parenthood…

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Donald Trump: I’m Not Ruling Out an Independent Run…For Now

Donald Trump: I’m Not Ruling Out an Independent Run…For Now

According to a report by Opposing Views, the feud between the two potential candidates arose…

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Trump Is Looking Into Whether He Actually Said Those Things About Women

Trump Is Looking Into Whether He Actually Said Those Things About Women

Republican candidates have about six months to differentiate themselves in the polls until the Iowa…

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Here’s where Donald Trump is not beating his fellow Republicans

Here’s where Donald Trump is not beating his fellow Republicans

Trump tried to laugh off the onslaught by interjecting, “Only Rosie O’Donnell”, but Kelly was…

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Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Announces Immediate Vacation And Twitter Goes Wild

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Announces Immediate Vacation And Twitter Goes Wild

“We have heads being chopped off because there are Christians in the Middle East….” “We…

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Post-Debate, Donald Trump Still Leads GOP Field in N.H

Post-Debate, Donald Trump Still Leads GOP Field in N.H

Walker Says He’ll ‘Never’ Use Language Trump Does

Walker Says He’ll ‘Never’ Use Language Trump Does

Finally, in an answer that gets across the heart of Trump’s appeal to Republican voters,…

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Hillary defends ‘impressive’ Megyn from ‘outrageous’ Trump

Hillary defends ‘impressive’ Megyn from ‘outrageous’ Trump

Trump has become the target of a Twitter campaign by women, angry over his sexist…

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Women tweet Donald Trump about their periods after ‘blood’ comment

Women tweet Donald Trump about their periods after ‘blood’ comment

Multi-billionaire businessman Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican pack, despite Fox News turning the…

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Trump Lead Grows in Iowa — CNN Poll

Trump Lead Grows in Iowa — CNN Poll

Walker accused Trump of using Democratic talking points and tied him to Hillary Clinton –…

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