Tsakalotos stays on as Greek finance minister

Tsakalotos stays on as Greek finance minister

This course is enthusiastically supported by the Left Party. While Mr. Theodorakis (leader of Potami)…

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Alexis Tsipras sworn in as Greek prime minister after Syriza’s shock election

Alexis Tsipras sworn in as Greek prime minister after Syriza’s shock election

Factions like “53+’ notwithstanding, Mr Tsipras” re-election on Sunday made his party the dominant force…

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Germany approves third bailout to Greece

Germany approves third bailout to Greece

The German parliament voted by an overwhelming majority Wednesday to back a massive new bailout…

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Greece’s Syriza party to split as far-left MPs form new party

Greece’s Syriza party to split as far-left MPs form new party

It was unclear whether former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, who has criticised Mr Tsipras’s “surrender”…

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Greek opposition leader says to do all to avoid elections

Greek opposition leader says to do all to avoid elections

ING Bank’s Paolo Pizzoli said Mr Tsipras was deliberately challenging opponents within Syriza, adding that…

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Eurozone finance ministers back third Greek bailout

Eurozone finance ministers back third Greek bailout

The French finance minister spoke just hours after Greek lawmakers endorsed a new bailout package…

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Germany Approves Greek Bailout, Athens Prepares to Tighten Belt

Germany Approves Greek Bailout, Athens Prepares to Tighten Belt

The final vote was 454-113, with 18 politicians choosing to abstain, following concern that Chancellor…

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International Monetary Fund calls for Greek debt relief after bailout approval

International Monetary Fund calls for Greek debt relief after bailout approval

– May: Greece becomes the first eurozone country to receive a bailout as the EU…

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Greek PM Tsipras wins bailout vote, parliament approves 3rd bailout

Greek PM Tsipras wins bailout vote, parliament approves 3rd bailout

While Greece is on its way to another stopgap loan, Tsipras, who relied on pro-European…

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EU approves Greece’s €86-billion bailout

EU approves Greece’s €86-billion bailout

Euro zone finance ministers agreed on Friday to lend Greece up to 86 billion euros…

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