Nato blasts Russia over airspace incursions

Nato blasts Russia over airspace incursions

A Turkish government official confirmed yesterday that Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov was called to the…

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Russian warships launch rockets on Islamic State in Syria

Russian warships launch rockets on Islamic State in Syria

The United States will not cooperate militarily with Russian Federation in Syria because Moscow’s strategy…

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Russian Federation seeks broader cooperation with US-led coalition in Syria

Russian Federation seeks broader cooperation with US-led coalition in Syria

Four Russian warships in the Caspian Sea launched 26 rockets at Islamic State in Syria…

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Oil prices edge back above the $50 per barrel mark

Oil prices edge back above the $50 per barrel mark

The Secretary-General of OPEC, Abdullah al-Badri, said oil supply growth from non-OPEC producers might be…

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Trans-Pacific trade deal cautiously welcomed by China

Trans-Pacific trade deal cautiously welcomed by China

Member for Flynn Mr O’Dowd and Member for Hinkler Mr Pitt congratulated Minister for Trade…

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Obama to visit Roseburg in wake of shooting

Obama to visit Roseburg in wake of shooting

Trans Pacific Trade Pact Finally Agreed

Trans Pacific Trade Pact Finally Agreed

Froman, the USA trade representative, noted after final agreement was reached Monday that after years…

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Oil Up 4% as Production Slows

Oil Up 4% as Production Slows

The highest average spot price was observed on Bonny Light oil produced in Nigeria, which…

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This Photo Shows Russia’s Airstrikes on Syria in Action

This Photo Shows Russia’s Airstrikes on Syria in Action

Russian Federation has informed the United States that Moscow is willing to continue talks to…

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Russia ‘ready to meet’ other oil producers over market trouble

Russia ‘ready to meet’ other oil producers over market trouble