Syrian hard-line Islamic faction backs US-Turkish plan for zone free of

Syrian hard-line Islamic faction backs US-Turkish plan for zone free of

Six US F-16 fighter jets arrived at an air base in southern Turkey on Sunday…

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UN chief: Turkey exercising self-defense against PKK

UN chief: Turkey exercising self-defense against PKK

But the number of PKK militants detained outnumber ISIS affiliates more than 6 to 1.

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Kurdish rebels fire at police in Turkey; 1 officer killed

Kurdish rebels fire at police in Turkey; 1 officer killed

Ankara says its objective is to fight terrorism overseas and at home – by attacking…

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Turkey: Extensive fight against ISIS to start

Turkey: Extensive fight against ISIS to start

The group can also be against US air strikes carried out on al-Nusra Entrance fighters…

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US launches first airstrike against ‘Islamic State’ from Turkey

US launches first airstrike against ‘Islamic State’ from Turkey

A spokesman in Washington said the raid by an unmanned drone was launched on Monday…

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Rebels trained by the US are captured in Syria

Rebels trained by the US are captured in Syria