Gov. Brown Signs Law To Have Mandatory Vaccines For Schoolchildren In

Gov. Brown Signs Law To Have Mandatory Vaccines For Schoolchildren In

Jerry Brown signed the bill on Tuesday after it was passed by the state legislature,…

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California immunization bill SB 277 marked into law by Jerry Brown

California immunization bill SB 277 marked into law by Jerry Brown

SACRAMENTO – Ending months of speculation on whether he would endorse the incendiary legislation, Gov.…

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Gov. Brown Approves Removing ‘Lynching’ From California Law

Gov. Brown Approves Removing ‘Lynching’ From California Law

McCarthy, a ex- Playboy Playmate, has also blamed her son’s autism on vaccinations. While Carrey…

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Jim Carrey apologises over vaccine rant

Jim Carrey apologises over vaccine rant

Jim Carrey has issued an apology to the family of an autistic boy after posting…

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Gov. Brown Approves Stripping ‘Lynching’ from California Code

Gov. Brown Approves Stripping ‘Lynching’ from California Code

California now joins Mississippi and West Virginia as states that will only allow schoolchildren to…

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California Passes Mandatory Vaccination Law

California Passes Mandatory Vaccination Law

The current California law meanwhile still provides some loopholes, with children able to avoid being…

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California Gov. Signs Vaccination Legislation into Law

California Gov. Signs Vaccination Legislation into Law

California Assemblyman Devon Mathis said he’s disappointed that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a…

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Jim Carrey blasts new California vaccination law

Jim Carrey blasts new California vaccination law

ACTOR Jim Carrey has gone on a Twitter rant criticising California’s decision to impose mandatory…

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