Ancient Whale Fossil Discovered in Santa Cruz, Can Provide Insight into Whale

Ancient Whale Fossil Discovered in Santa Cruz, Can Provide Insight into Whale

A whale fossil was found in the upland mountain slope town of Scotts Valley in…

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Rare whale cruises through Cook Strait

Rare whale cruises through Cook Strait


Terrifying moment when surfer saw killer whale under his paddle

Terrifying moment when surfer saw killer whale under his paddle

It was a horrifying moment for the surfer who saw a killer whale under his…

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Dead whale removed from the beach after the smell became unbearable

Dead whale removed from the beach after the smell became unbearable

A dead whale was removed from the beach after the smell of its rotten flesh…

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Divers Nearly Swallowed by Whales

Divers Nearly Swallowed by Whales

Two scuba divers were nearly sucked into the mouths of large whales in Central California…

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