MH370: Malaysian investigators head for Maldives to verify plane parts

MH370: Malaysian investigators head for Maldives to verify plane parts

Some relatives of passengers who were on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 said Tuesday that they…

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Indian Ocean islands on high alert for plane wreckage

Indian Ocean islands on high alert for plane wreckage

Malaysia’s transport ministry confirmed Sunday that the flaperon that was discovered has been recognized as…

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Aircraft seat cushions, window panes found on Reunion: Malaysia

Aircraft seat cushions, window panes found on Reunion: Malaysia

Experts determine that wing fragment is from missing MH370

Experts determine that wing fragment is from missing MH370

The debris found last week along the shore of Reunion Island has been deemed most…

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Malaysia says airplane debris found on Reunion is part of Boeing 777

Malaysia says airplane debris found on Reunion is part of Boeing 777

Tests on the plane’s flaperon – a wing fragment – revealed it is from a…

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