Alphabet spins out first company: The life sciences division of Google X

Alphabet spins out first company: The life sciences division of Google X

“It’s a huge undertaking, and I am delighted to announce that the life sciences team…

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Google Forms New Company

Google Forms New Company

It is said that some “slimming down” will occur in the firm after its addition…

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What can Alphabet do that Google can’t?

What can Alphabet do that Google can’t?

Larry Page will be Alphabet’s chief executive, while his fellow co-founder Sergey Brin will be…

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Google gets restructured under new parent company Alphabet

Google gets restructured under new parent company Alphabet

Google recently, has surprised the world by creating a holding company called “Alphabet”, under which…

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Google relabels its empire with Alphabet soup

Google relabels its empire with Alphabet soup

The founders of Google have launched a new company in an effort to be cleaner…

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