
Take precautions to avoid Zika virus while abroad

“Vaccines are one of the best offenses – against many diseases”, said Ontario County Director of Public Health Mary Beer.


The virus – spread through mosquitoes or sexual contact – has been linked to birth defects in children, something the administration says is a matter of public concern, not politics.

As of June 29, there have been 49 cases of travel-related Zika in Texas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of Wednesday, there were 12 active cases of Zika in NY, according to the state Department of Health, and there have been 365 in total.

That includes nearly all countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean, so he said it’s very important “to really think twice about traveling to any of these countries if you’re pregnant, thinking about being pregnant, or are a male partner of a woman thinking about being pregnant or who is already pregnant”.

The Allegheny County Health Department issued a release saying the incident happened there and that the woman’s “symptoms have resolved and she is doing well”.

Researchers with the National Institutes of Health will study the Zika virus with the help of US athletes and staff traveling to Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Typically, symptoms are mild and include fever, rash, joint soreness and/or redness of eyes.

The virus can also be transmitted via unprotected sex with an infected man. Byers said. “Primarily what we want them to do is to avoid mosquito exposure up to three weeks after they return from travel”.

Holbrook said there have been no cases in the United States where Zika was transmitted via blood from the Aedes mosquito to a human.

Reuters noted that the virus is especially concerning because it can cause potentially severe birth defects in babies – microcephaly, especially can lead to developmental problems.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito species has spread most of the Zika cases; these types of mosquitoes have been found in Florida and Hawaii.


Signs of Zika showed up nearly immediately for a Fresno woman who is infected with the virus. Meanwhile, as they have dithered, 265 pregnant women in the USA have been infected with the virus. It is the third confirmation of an imported case from Honduras. “For this reason, many people might not realize they have been infected”.

University of Pennsylvania engineers have developed a rapid low-cost genetic test for the Zika virus. The $2 testing device about the size of a soda can does not require electricity or technical expertise to use. A patient would simply provide a saliva