
Talk about mental illness, says Usamate

That year, 165 people took their own life, she said.


Organisations such as the World Health Organisation fight to combat this epidemic using the philosophy of “connect, communicate, care”.

Tonight, people across the town are being asked to light a candle near a window at 8pm in a show of support for suicide prevention, to remember a lost loved one and for the survivors of suicide.

Don’t judge. The person needs reassurance and support to recover. Suicide is tragic. And often preventable. Individuals, organizations and communities all have a responsibility here.

Substance abuse and intoxication also can lead to suicide. For every suicide, there are approximately 25 attempts.

“Reaching out to people who are going through a hard time can be a game-changer”.

During a month centered around suicide prevention, Bowen hopes the staggering statistics will prompt dialogue concerning mental illness among veterans, with just over 73,000 in the state of Alaska alone. VA is calling on community leaders, supervisors, colleagues, friends, and family members to BeThere for Veterans and Service members starting with a simple act, which can play a pivotal role in preventing suicide.

Health Minister Jonathan Coleman marked World Suicide Prevention Day today with an announcement that a new strategy and action plan are being developed to reduce New Zealand’s suicide figures.

On Septt. 10, join with others around the world who are working towards the common goal of preventing suicide.

If a student comes to Flaming or Parsley concerned for another individual, they can start by having a conversation about helping the student have a conversation with their friend in need, Flaming said.

Help can be just a phone call away at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255).


In Vermont, the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center can be found at and the Vermont Suicide Prevention Coalition meets quarterly.

New Jersey Hopeline concerned about uptick in deaths by suicide