
Taraji P. Henson Goes Hard AF In Family Feud

If Jimmy Fallon is looking to expand another Tonight Show segment into a full-on series, let it be the game he played with Taraji P. Henson on Tuesday night. Henson then asked: “What’s wrong with big balls?” However, if the contestant didn’t correctly choose the most popular answer, his or her competitor got a chance to steal.


“Name something in your house you hide when guests come over” was the first question posed to Fallon and Henson. Henson nearly immediately buzzed in with “The drugs!”

Watch (above) as they test each other to see who has the fastest hand while trying to figure out what the audience was thinking with their answers! Surprisingly, though, neither contestant was familiar with the phrase “amazeballs”.


Even when it seemed like Fallon would win, she knew the rules enough to disqualify his answer.

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