
Taunton Home was Destroyed by an Explosion and the Woman Inside Survived

No one was hurt in a home explosion in Taunton on Sunday, fire officials told WBZ-TV’s Jim Smith. Firefighters have had the hoses on the house for about an hour and were able to keep the fire from spreading to other houses. The house next door’s siding melted due to the heat of the flames. He said he helped her and called 9-1-1. “My house exploded!'” said Paul Saltalmacchia, who lives two houses away on the same side of Christine Lane, which runs off of Dighton Avenue.


As soon as he heard the alarm, Saltalmacchia, along with his son and a friend, brought Laurie a pair of sandal to protect her feet and water to calm her down.

The explosion happened around 4 p.m. on Christine Lane.

A spokesman for Columbia Gas of Massachusetts says that a gas leak or a similar malfunction is possible.

The state fire marshal’s office, State Police, and local authorities are investigating the cause of the fire, Coan said, though he confirmed that gas was involved in the blast.


Firefighters work on a Taunton house fire on Sunday. Their main effort was to identify the cause of this frightful incident and help the distraught woman who had just lost her home in any way they could.

Woman escapes as explosion tears apart Taunton home