
Taxi Drivers Stage Uber Protest at State Parliament in Sydney

The report is intended by city staff to close a loophole that allowed Uber to continue to offer variably-priced rides to consumers through a smartphone app.


Taxi drivers are threatening to ramp up their protest against Uber with rolling strikes.

Given this situation, San Francisco-based Uber launched a campaign in Sao Paulo offering free rides provided by the drivers associated with Uber.

The companies and four credit unions who finance costly medallions – who also sued – argued that only yellow or green cabs could pick up street hails, and that an Uber-dispatched vehicle was the equivalent of a street hail under state law.

Two separate cities, thousands of kilometres apart, but holding protests with the same message – taxi drivers are fed up with Uber.

As some 400 drivers blocked thoroughfares including a main road to Lisbon airport and several hundred more drivers demonstrated in the northern city of Porto and Faro in the south, Antral slammed Uber for “illegally” continuing to operate, Lusa news agency reported. The companies would ensure to provide requirements for drivers for commercial liability insurance, and pay your annual permit fees and consent to background checks. “They want fair competition”.

It’s now up to city hall if consumers will receive cheaper fares.

“We are pleased with the decision, and appreciate the administration and TLC’s work on this”, said Josh Mohrer, a general manager for Uber in New York City.

iTaxi Workers, representing Toronto taxi drivers, warned after release of the report that its recommendations, if adopted, “will spell the end of Toronto’s taxi industry as we know it”.

The Australian Taxation Office has not ruled out the possibility of using Uber to transport public servants after paying almost $4 million for taxis in the past year.

“Clearly, we can’t have a situation where people are purchasing a service where there’s not proper regulation, insurance, accreditation, simple things like complaints processes, lost property, security”, he said. “If they do not follow them, there will be enforcement action”, it said in an email. “Just as they tie our hands to not charge more, which I think is good, they tie our hands so that we can’t charge less”.

“Anything less than a level playing field will be considered unacceptable as our drivers simply can no longer compete”, Pierson said in a statement.


Judge Allan Weiss said in his rulings that the TLC has the authority to decide that electronic communications between Uber and passengers are prearranged trips – and that the distinction has softened because of the apps.

The taxi industry and its city council supporters are pushing hard to drive Uber the popular app-based ride-sharing operation out of town