
Taylor Swift Looks Exactly Like Her Australian Doppelgänger

And her first name is Olivia, like Taylor’s prized cat.


There’s a 19-year-old Taylor Swift fan in Australia who looks so much like her idol, that other Tay fans have even confused her for the pop star.

“I got my hair cut consciously like hers but everything else is just sort of coincidental”, Sturgiss told the Daily Mail Australia.

And like Olivia Sturgiss you can even make a career out of it without all the real hardwork! Also, she has become more popular after Swifties noticed her similarities with the 25-year-old sensation.

“I wanted to thank her for everything she’s done and tell her that her song “The Best Day” helped me through my mum’s passing this October from uterine cancer”, she said.

The pair had more in common than their looks, with Swift’s mum suffering her own health troubles.

Swift remembered seeing Sturgess’s photos and said, “Wow, you look like me”, Lee recounted, adding that Swift had read a post about Sturgess’s mother.

Taylor Swift seems to think so, at least. “So I’m like, ‘I’ll let their mums tell them, I don’t have the heart to tell them”.


Australian teenager, Olivia Sturgiss has been officially named Taylor Swift’s doppelganger after it was discovered that tons of fans approach her in the street daily for pictures.

Australia's Taylor Swift lookalike meets her idol