
TBS apologizes to Hillary Clinton for hyena video after Samantha Bee criticism

During the first night of the Democratic National Convention, TBS Network’s official account tweeted a video titled “Hillary Clinton’s Call of the Wild” that juxtaposed the former Secretary of State’s laugh with clips of cackling hyenas.


“This post was obviously a poor attempt at humor and has been taken down”, the network said in a statement on Tuesday.

The TBS flap underscores how much the presidential race has become fodder for pop culture content across all media.

That’s a pretty embarrassing statement for the “professionals” at The Hecker, the TBS website where the video originated. Unfortunately, Bee’s tweet quickly was deleted.

The crassness of the video prompted TBS’ own Samantha Bee to publicly criticize the Time Warner-owned cabler via Twitter, although she deleted the message shortly after it was issued Monday night. “Move over donkey! There’s a new mascot in town…”


On Sunday, whoever was running the TBS Twitter account lost touch with reality for a second and posted a really shitty tweet about Hillary Clinton’s laugh. Bee hosts the network’s late-night political comedy series “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee”.

TBS Mondo Samantha Bee