
Teacher Alexandria Vera ‘got pregnant by 13-year-old student’

Speaking to KTRK TV, one unnamed student said of the student and his teacher: “He like grabbed her butt, and everybody saw it. And then they were talking about it”.


Aldine ISD, the organization that runs Stovall Middle School, issued the following statement to ABC-13: ‘Aldine ISD has been made aware that charges have been filed against a former Stovall Middle School teacher involved in inappropriate behavior with a male student.

Vera said the student asked if the two of them could hang out and she said ‘yes, ‘ according to court documents.

According to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, the English teacher admitted to having a sexual relationship beginning in September with the student, whose name is being withheld.

Vera told Aldine ISD police after that, she had sex with the teen “on nearly a daily basis at her home”. Vera allegedly drove over to his house and picked him up, and they drove around and kissed. She told an investigator she would drop him off at home in the morning so he could catch the bus to school at Stovall Middle School.

The student’s family were allegedly excited and supportive when Vera said she was pregnant in January but she reportedly had an abortion after prosecutors visited the school unannounced in February.

Vera told investigators, according to court documents, that she had met the student’s family in October and was later invited to family gatherings after the family found out about their relationship.

But Ms Vera told police she aborted the pregnancy a month later, “after she got nervous when CPS unexpectedly showed up at school… to question her and the complainant [the boy] about their relationship”.

Vera would introduce the teen as her younger brother to neighbors who would see him at her home..

Vera’s phone was forensically analyzed by the officer.

The following day, Gonzalez’s probable cause document explains, Vera returned to the student’s house.

A middle school teacher in Houston is wanted by authorities, accused of sexually abusing a child.

Vera was put on administrative leave immediately following the April interview in which she candidly admitted to the relationship, a statement from the school said. “The safety and security of Aldine ISD’s students and staff remains a priority of the school district”.

Then in January of this year, Vera became pregnant.


She is now facing child sex abuse charges but officers cannot find her to serve the arrest warrant.

Teacher 'got herself pregnant by 13-year-old student&#039