
Teacher creates ‘no-homework’ homework policy

Samantha Gallagher shared an image of a note that her daughter’s teacher gave students, establishing the class homework policy.


“Brooke is loving her new teacher already”, she wrote in the caption. She says after a summer of research, she’s trying something new and homework will only consist of work that didn’t get done during the school day.

“I’m really happy that at the end of a long school day, (Brooke will) have time just to come home and be a kid, play outside, and make new friends”, Gallagher told PopSugar.

When a teacher addresses their homework policy for the year, their expectations aren’t usually met with smiling faces. The note is apparently right that there are no conclusive studies that say homework improves academic performance. Rather, I ask that you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with student success.

Brandy Young just became the coolest teacher at Godley Elementary.

Every school year, elementary school students are faced with new challenges. “It is very nice to know how many parents and teachers are supportive of the concept”.

The letter has gotten thousands of comments on Reddit. One user wrote on Facebook. “We barely have time to spend with our kids because, by the time we’re done cooking and they do their homework there’s no extra time left for family time and bonding”. “Meaningful assignments are great outside of school but there needs to be a meaning”, Young said.


“I remember, when I was going to school it wasn’t like this”, said Dianolys Denizard, a mother of first- and second-grade students.

Second-grade teacher's unique homework policy goes viral