
Tebow, but not Brady, on Trump’s speaker list

There is always a temptation when you’re dealing with all things Trump – and this convention will be all things Trump – to get caught up in the unreality, not even virtual reality, of the coming week.


Neither is former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight or legendary boxing promoter Don King, a Cleveland resident and passionate Trump supporter.

Some of the GOP’s biggest names were not on the list because they refused to participate in four-day convention, which begins on Monday.

Thursday’s votes will call into question whether the anti-Trump effort has enough support to get 28 signatures on the measure, which would ensure it gets a vote before the almost 2,500 delegates when the full convention convenes on Monday.

But by late afternoon, Ken Cuccinelli – a leader of the conservatives who was an adviser to Cruz’s presidential campaign – said GOP leaders he was negotiating with told him, “Sorry, we don’t have a deal”.

The Wisconsin Republican says he doesn’t know what Trump will do, and “I hope he makes a good pick and clearly that would be a good one”.

An Associated Press check of Republican senators in the USA found that a majority will attend the convention, even though the level of congressional defections from the event is unusually high this year.

Donald Trump formally unveils his running mate in New York City. He says he says similar concerns about the Democratic convention to be held in Philadelphia.

Republicans crafting the rules that will govern the Republican National Convention overwhelmingly rejected a proposal put forth by Never Trump Republicans to unbind delegates and move to upset presumptive nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpGingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah Gingrich: It “certainly looks like” Pence will be Trump’s VP GOP squashes Never Trump rules proposal in heated hearing MORE.

“I think, like any candidate, people have different concerns”, said Golnik.

The presumptive presidential nominee has approved a convention program that features at least 20 current or former elected officials, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Texas Sen.

The convention’s rules committee used a voice vote to reject a proposal by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh to let delegates “cast a vote of conscience” and abandon the candidates they’d been committed to by state primaries or caucuses.

Ivanka Trump, who along with Trump’s other adult children, has been playing an increasingly central role in the campaign, predicted in a recent radio interview the GOP convention would be “a convention unlike any we’ve ever seen”.

Brady was initially floated as a possible speaker, but he won’t appear.

Ginsburg says in a statement issued by the court on Thursday that judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) will not be present at the GOP gathering because she will be traveling to her state by bush plane.

That panel’s initial votes should demonstrate how firmly Trump and Priebus control the convention.

The two sides on Thursday were beginning what could be a two-day faceoff at early meetings of the convention’s rules committee.


He doesn’t rule out supporting a wildcat effort to overturn Trump’s nomination.

Tim Tebow Dumps Trump’s Convention And Bails On Speaking In Cleveland