
Ted Cruz Against Marco Rubio In Iowa

Democrat Bernie Sanders called it a tossup with Hillary Clinton and said every caucus-goer counts. Former Sen. Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, for example, completed the so-called undercard debate for candidates at the bottom of preference polls and then headed straight for Trump’s renegade rally a few miles away.


Trump, who appears to have emerged from a dead-heat with rival Ted Cruz to re-capture his position atop state polls, has done little to minimize expectations, predicting again and again that he’ll do better than the polls suggest.

“Policy differences are not enormous”, he said of the GOP candidates, adding, “who gives us the best chance” in a general election, as quoted by the publication.

Bush says it’s time fix what the problems caused by president Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lead narrowly just two days before the Iowa caucuses in the final Des Moines Register/Bloomberg poll, considered the “gold standard” of Iowa polling.

“Why is Donald Trump so orange?” was the No. 3 question being asked about Trump on Monday morning, according to Google Trends. Cruz compared Trump to the self-described “Democratic socialist” Sanders, saying they both favor socialized medicine.

Mr Trump, who spent the final hours before party members gather campaigning with his wife Melania and heavily pregnant daughter Ivanka, looked like he could have caused a last-minute upset when he spelled the name of Iowa’s second largest city wrong.

KMOX’s Michael Kelley says that personal attention means a lot of face-time with the candidates, “If you are truly conflicted over who you were going to support, you would have ample opportunitiesy to meet all of the candidates who are running, whether or not your caucusing for the Republicans or the Democrats”. I just don’t know what to tell you.

The weather could also affect how soon the candidates can get out of Iowa for their next date with voters: New Hampshire.

Sanders told the crowd that the powerful “don’t want you to participate”, according to a pool report.


Cruz said on Fox News Sunday that he’s attracting “the old Reagan coalition” ranging from anti-establishment conservatives to working-class Democrats. There’s “no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting”, he said, and insinuating otherwise is “not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa caucuses”. In the past, white evangelical voters have made up almost half of Republican primary voters and caucus-goers. “From my experience, when people start attacking you it’s because you’re doing something right”. Yet some Republican leaders worry that if Trump or Cruz pull off a big victory in Iowa, it would be hard to slow their momentum. “He doesn’t get the credit that he deserves for the Affordable Care act, something we’ve been trying to do, that I sure tried to do to get us on the path for universal coverage”, she said.

Lulu Francis campaigns Sunday for Ted Cruz in Council Bluffs Iowa. The Republican senator crisscrossed the state campaigning as the latest poll numbers show him behind Donald Trump