
Ted Cruz Blasts Washington Post Cartoon of Daughters

Cruz’s Republican challenger, Sen.


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Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz slammed the Washington Post Tues. for publishing a cartoon showing to depict his kids as monkeys.

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Cruz, meanwhile, has sent out a fundraising e-mail off the flap, telling supports the Post has “declared my daughters ‘fair game'”.

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The first line of the email from Cruz – which includes a screen grab of the cartoon – reads, “I’m sickened…I knew I’d be facing attacks from day one of my campaign but I never expected anything like this”.

Cruz accused the “liberal media” of attempting to “attack and destroy me (and my family) by any means necessary”. “I understand why (the cartoonist) thought an exception to the policy was warranted in this case, but I do not agree”.

Cruz, who once read bedtime stories to his children from the floor of the Senate, also included his daughters in another video posted online by his Senate campaign five months ago.

To Telnaes, that ad rendered it appropriate and germane to include Cruz’s children in an editorial cartoon in response, so she depicted Cruz as an organ-grinder Santa, and his daughters as dancing monkeys.

But Ms Telnaes, who won a Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning in 2001, hit back. Mere hours after the cartoon vanished from the website, Cruz emailed his supporter list asking for an “emergency donation” as he hoped to raise $1 million in the next 24 hours.


“I failed to look at this cartoon before it was published”, he said in an editor’s note. NBC said that advertisement aired during the most recent episode “Saturday Night Live”. Cartoonist Ann Telnaes called Ted Cruz’s daughters “fair game” after they appeared in the GOP presidential candidate’s campaign ads. Ted Cruz holds his daughters Catherine, left, and Caroline at a “Rally for Religious Liberty” in Des Moines, Iowa, on August 21.

Image Ted Cruz fundraising appeal over Washington Post animation