
Ted Cruz booed for speaking as if running for president at RNC

And apparently he’ll be campaigning as the Not Servile Puppy.


Senator Ted Cruz was the last formidable challenger to Donald Trump during the vitriolic Republican primary, and the tension between the two never ended.

During the campaign for the party’s nomination, Trump insulted Cruz’s wife’s looks and suggested the Texan’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s assassin just before the president was shot in Dallas in 1963. Republicans have sought unity throughout the week, and for some it still seems out of reach. “That is why every American should be terrified at the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency”. Cruz once called Trump “amoral”, a “pathological liar”, and a “narcissist at a level that I don’t think this country has ever seen”.

“Vote your conscience”, Cruz said in a Wednesday speech, a statement falling short of an official endorsement.

McIver said that as she set out to write Melania Trump’s speech, the would-be first lady read her some passages from Michelle Obama’s speech to her over the phone.

And yet, he refused to cave in to the mounting pressure from the fired up attendees, who began chanting “say his name, say his name!” as the speech stretched on without endorsement. Because Ted Cruz has decided that he knows better?

At the beginning of his 15-minute speech, Cruz was met with resounding applause from delegates. “I am a Christian, a conservative and a Republican”, the VP candidate said, adding “In that order”.

And that future apparently doesn’t involve Trump in four years, whether Trump wins or loses in November.

Phil Chapman, a retired pastor from Highland in the 15th Congressional District, is a Trump delegate. He was quietly furious.

Adelson said in May that he would support Trump for the presidency if the real estate mogul was chosen as the nominee. “What he did was selfish”, Chapman said.


Centre-stage at the Republican Convention, Mr Cruz congratulated Mr Trump on his nomination, but didn’t specifically back his campaign. As a Senator, he has continuously broken ranks with the party to pursue extreme agendas, accusing the Republican Congressional leadership of being part of the “corrupt Washington nexus”. On Thursday night, Trump is front and center, introduced by his daughter Ivanka. “So I would not pretend to say what I thought he should or shouldn’t have done”.

Donald trump Ted Cruz republican national convention