
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump still neck-and-neck in Iowa home stretch

Days before the Republican debate on Fox News, front-runner Donald Trump is polling his supporters whether he should partake in the debate.


Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, publicly toyed with the idea of pulling out of the debate during a campaign event Tuesday in Iowa, where he said “probably I won’t be doing the debate”.

Once again, Donald Trump steals the show.

Trump vented in an Instagram video that Kelly, the moderator of this week’s debate, was “biased” against him.

The survey involved 651 likely Iowa Republican caucus goers and was carried out January 18-24.

Fox now has a “Breaking News” banner at the top of their page announcing the Trump won’t be participating.

Trump may be remembering fondly how he scared CNBC debate producers into shortening their debate time by threatening not to show up.

Trump’s Republican rivals quickly criticized him for opting out of the debate.

His comments to ABC’s Good Morning America Wednesday follow a statement by Trump a day earlier that he would not participate in the upcoming FOX News GOP debate, scheduled for Thursday.

The “she” Trump is anxious about is Fox host Megyn Kelly.

Marc McGee, a graphic artist who lives in Cedar Rapids and was at Trump’s rally Tuesday night, said Trump made the wrong call. Media analysts asked whether Fox would leave an empty podium at center stage during Thursday’s event, which is the last GOP debate before the all-important Iowa caucuses. The state’s largest paper said it would team up with MSNBC for a debate “unsanctioned” by the Democratic Party, which scheduled only six primary debates this season – largely on weekends. FOX News is making tens of millions of dollars on debates, and setting ratings records (the highest in history), where as in previous years they were low-rated afterthoughts.


Instead, Trump touted a recent endorsement from prominent evangelical leader Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of the evangelical Liberty University and son of its founder, and pointed to poll numbers showing him ahead of Texas Sen. “A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings”. If Cruz could maneuver Trump into a true one-on-one in Iowa, with Rubio and Ben Carson and Huckabee and Rand Paul no longer picking off votes, he’d win, or so the argument goes. But for Trump, it’s more likely to serve as fresh evidence that he’s successfully redefining the art of presidential politics.

Donald Trump