
Ted Cruz hits GOP field on immigration after debate

“We all have a different tax plan”, he started.


Arguably, the debate was more substantive than previous debates and that was partly due to the manner in which the moderators handled the questions to the candidates, but there were plenty of fireworks between the candidates.

And none of the candidates – or moderators – engaged Rubio when the discussion shifted to immigration, considered a key vulnerability among conservatives who oppose Rubio’s plan to give immigrants in the country illegally a pathway to citizenship.

If anything, it’s deepening.

The issue of illegal immigration brought the Trump campaign to the forefront in summer 2015.

For Republicans, that means a prolonged brawl. Trump even said of Carson afterward, “He was good”. When they came to the Senate, they came in as Tea Party heroes. They’re the hardcore conservatives who have had enough of compromise.

Pundits had noted Bush’s attempts to use the debate to aggressively go after Donald Trump, still one of the GOP’s front-runners, drawing particular attention to the real-estate tycoon’s promise to force millions of undocumented immigrants out of the United States. Just behind is Sen. Ted Cruz rounded out the top four with performances seen as respectable – if not necessarily engaging – by Republicans who tuned in.

Mass deportation is politically toxic among most Hispanics. Sadly, it only solidified the impression that the Republican Party is anti-immigrant.

(Trump) “We will have a wall, the wall will be built, the wall will be successful and if you think walls don’t work all you have to do is ask Israel, the wall works”.

With answers given in the Milwaukee debate, 2016 Republican presidential candidates stand apart from prominent GOP predecessors.

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal tried to distinguish himself by repeatedly attacking Mr Christie and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee for failing to cut government spending during their tenures as governors.

Early reactions to the fourth Republican candidates’ debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is that Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio did well, while Donald Trump struggled. It’s a silly argument. It makes no sense. But Bush may have suffered the most from this debate. Candidates Trump, Carson and Rubio all dismissed the idea as something they feel wouldn’t benefit the economy or American workers.

He was elected in 2010 as a tea party favorite, but has since inched more toward the practical camp. He’s now a solid third in most national polls.

Rubio got off easy Tuesday. Chief among them: immigration.

A more substantive debate on economic policy highlighted the strengths of a few candidates like Paul. He has proposed a below-minimum “starter wage” for young people.

Journalists and debate moderators are fond of saying they will press the candidates on the issues, so that voters can make an informed decision. And we have to oppose him there and in an effective way”-seemed to be drifting toward Paul’s position, at least when he announced that it wasn’t such a bad thing to have Russian President Vladimir Putin take on the Islamic State”.


Indeed, Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton’s spokesman Brian Fallon wrote on Twitter about the exchange, “We actually are doing high-fives right now”.

Eight GOP presidential candidates on stage before Tuesday's debate