
Ted Cruz is the sleeping giant in the Republican race

“Hillary Clinton embraces abortion on demand in all circumstances up until the moment of birth, partial birth abortion with taxpayer funding with no notification for parents in any circumstances”, Cruz said.


King knows that polls can be roller coasters, and that many people don’t even begin to tune in to the details of a presidential race until after the beginning of the year. He is still the Republican front-runner, beating his nearest opponents by double digits. Marco Rubio of Florida. Today, Quinnipiac found that Rubio is now a solid second, with Cruz holding steady at third, Carson sinking back, and Jeb Bush, who has positioned himself as Rubio’s main competition, nowhere to be found. Twenty-nine percent of those who identify as “very” conservative choose Cruz while Trump takes 25 percent, Carson 15 percent and Rubio 11 percent with this group. In horseshoes, that matters, but not in a primary election. She likes the political newcomers Carson, Trump and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. That is not likely.

“I stand strongly on behalf of the ability of this government to gather intelligence on our adversaries and our enemies, especially terrorists, but also other nation states”.

Clinton has a negative 44 – 51 percent favorability rating. Ted Cruz at 16 percent each.

On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton widens her lead over Sen.

The poll shows that voters overall prefer Clinton to the Republican nominees: In a head to head matchup with Trump, voters prefer Clinton, 47 percent to 41 percent.

Trump was well received in Macon, a Republican stronghold in central Georgia, but about one-third of the crowd started trickling out after Trump spoke for about an hour in order to get a head start in navigating an overcrowded parking lot.

“As far as Iowa is concerned, Cruz would be better off with a positive message, and saying what he is for, rather than tossing mud”, he said. He was the driver of the 2013 government shutdown, staging a 21-hour filibuster in the effort to defund Obama’s signature health care law and rallying House Republicans to block government funding that included spending on “Obamacare”. It is the rest of the ticket the establishment wants to save. He was at five percent in a late July Q poll, seven percent in a September poll and 16 today.

According to Land, however, the polls don’t favor Trump and Carson if national security is a top concern for GOP voters. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on the Gang of Eight amnesty bill last Congress-is the one launching these attacks on Cruz. This shift in focus has boosted Trump, who’s honed an image of strength in the minds of many voters, as well as Carson, and Rubio. Yet, Carson is paying a price but Trump is not. “Cruz”, McCarthy continued, referencing the Quinnipiac University Poll showing both Republican senators gaining 3 points since last month.


Bonnie Temperley of Clinton has Cruz on her short list of candidates for the Iowa caucuses, now just two months away. History also tells us that in previous elections, no candidate has stayed on top as long as Trump has no matter what he does or says.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead As The GOP Race Appears To Consolidate