
Ted Cruz on Abortion: ‘We Don’t Have a Rubber Shortage’

Christie said he was the best the candidate to defend the United States, and that Cruz and Rubio couldn’t match his gubernatorial experience and tenure prosecuting terrorists as a U.S Attorney.


Ted Cruz’s doesn’t usually stray much from this usual campaign stump speech at various events, but last night in Iowa, NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard reported that the Texas Republican was asked about his position “on making contraception available for women”. As Trump supporters ditch him, their support will move to Cruz.

“Ted Cruz makes Donald Trump look like a consensus builder when you consider his total inability to work with anybody of either party during his tenure in the Senate”, said Josh Holmes, a former adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican who has clashed frequently with Cruz. This is not just an attack on abortion rights – these activists, and the politicians who support them, want to prevent the organization from conducting all of its health care activities, including providing women with affordable contraception. So yes, anyone who wants contraceptives can access them. He went on to say that as a lifelong conservative, he had never met another conservative that wanted to ban contraceptives. “Last I checked we don’t have a rubber shortage in America”.

“Some people who were backing the outsiders are backing up and maybe thinking, we want someone with a little bit of experience in how government works”, Hagle added.

“You put 50 cents in, and voila!”

That was Cruz’s comment to a group of Iowa home-schooled children and parents about an Air Force chaplain in Alaska who was asked to take down a blog post in which he’d written that “there are no atheists in fox holes”.

Speaking two weeks ago with local Texas radio host Michael Berry, the Republican front-runner said he and his presidential rival Cruz line up the same on basically every issue.

To my knowledge, Cruz has continued to follow the 11th Commandment when it comes to Trump.

Cruz’s odds – which stand at 21 percent – are greater than Trump’s 20 percent odds for the first time, according to the Political Prediction Market, a live, online game, conducted by the company Pivit for CNN.

Ted Cruz has a message for sexuality active voters (or aspiring ones): Republicans aren’t “the condom police”. The facts are that Cruz supports a personhood amendment to the Constitution that would ban birth control.

Cruz declared that there was only one Republican professor at his law school alma mater, Harvard, but there were at least 12 communists.


That’s why it was so interesting to see Cruz switch things up a bit this week and attack Rubio head-on over his national security judgment.

Ted Cruz answers a question during the CNN Republican Presidential Debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley California on Sept. 16 2015