
Ted Cruz quickly becomes news at GOP confab

The third night of the Republican National Convention featured speeches from former rivals of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, as well as his newly minted running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.


After that episode, Pence, the IN governor and a favorite of conservatives who have decidedly mixed feelings about Trump, tried to make his mark to a nation that knows little about him.

“Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn’t honor the pledge!” Their first televised interview together, on CBS’s “60 Minutes”, was not smooth.

“I’m comfortable that Sen”. When the interviewer asked if Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should get the same wiggle room on her own vote for the war when she was a USA senator, Trump said: “No”. Should Trump lose by a close margin, perhaps, Cruz could find himself subject to recriminations from Trump voters who feel that Cruz placed his own personal ambition above the good of the party. It was Cruz’s one and only shot to create a moment reminiscent of Ronald Reagan in 1976, when Reagan, who’d just lost a primary race to President Gerald Ford, delivered a convention speech that vaulted him to the presidency four years later. He also called for tough USA border controls.

Kasich has refused to endorse Trump and the governor has refused to go to the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland where the convention was taking place, although he has made public appearances in the area. Playing over the loudspeakers was the soaring tune of the movie “Air Force One”. He told a crowd that Pence was “going to make an unbelievable vice president of the United States”.

“He’s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers”, Pence said. “I’m confident that what begins in Cleveland will end in the White House”.

Pence was the final speaker on the third night of the GOP convention, the day after he officially become the vice presidential nominee, rode in his first motorcade and got Secret Service protection.

Pence addressed the huge differences in his style and Trump’s.

The booing was so intense the Trump campaign encouraged its many staffers on the convention floor to try to calm the delegates down, said a Trump aide speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss internal campaign discussions. “They may have different personalities but they have similar visions”, he told reporters on Wednesday. The arrests over three days total 22 people.

Controversy over Melania Trump’s Monday evening speech continued to hang over the convention. On Wednesday, a staff writer for the Trump Organization took responsibility for the “chaos” caused by the speech. They also clashed with Donald Trump pretty regularly.

Opponents brand Trump a bigot with his calls to temporarily ban the entry of Muslims and to build a border wall with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants.

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The Kansas Republican Party’s chairman says the state’s delegation to the GOP National Convention felt “general disappointment” when Texas Sen. “Trump will be Trump and Pence needs to be Pence”.

Another potentially awkward moment could come when U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, a leading former rival to Trump for the Republican nomination, speaks to the convention on Wednesday.

Trump was harsh against the politician throughout his campaign, even going as far as to imply that the senator’s wife, Heidi Cruz, was not attractive in a March tweet, and attempted in May to connect his Cuban father to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Cruz halted his campaign two months ago, having outlasted all but Trump in a field that once numbered 17 candidates.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and vice presidential nominee Mike Pence speak at an event in Cleveland U.S