
Ted Cruz says Donald Trump becoming ‘rattled’ by his gains

Cruz, a Texas U.S. senator, appears to have escaped for now what could have been a bigger public controversy involving campaign loans from 2012.


Some politicians demanded an apology after Cruz’s comments at the Republican debate.

Pressed to explain what he meant when he attacked rival Donald Trump over his “New York values”, he gave examples that made it apparent what he was really talking about.

“It does raise the question of, ‘OK, if you are offended at my pointing out how much the failed policies of Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio have hurt New Yorkers, then which of those policies do you agree with?”

‘Well, look, these are certainly amusing, ‘ Cruz said. “I told you so”, Trump tweeted, referring to a lawsuit filed by a Houston man challenging the eligibility of Cruz, who was born in Canada to an American mother, to be president.

Cruz kicked off on Sunday evening his most aggressive move yet to compete in Trump’s strongest early voting state – a five-day, 17-event bus tour that will hit all 10 counties in the Granite State.

Cruz, who has shed all caution about attacking Trump after months of playing nice, continued to aggressively bash Trump in media appearances, while giving him a light touch in front of audiences on the trail.

Cruz tried to position himself as the most honest conservative in the race, building on his recent attacks against Trump as only a recent convert to the GOP.

“That was a very insulting statement that Ted made”, Trump said during the debate hosted by Fox Business. The two candidates have been tangled over Cruz’s use of the phrase “New York values”.

I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers who have been let down by liberal politicians in that state.

And Cruz’s high-powered super PAC network is aiding his ground game more in SC than any other state, as 14 field staffers operate side by side with those on the campaign payroll. How about his fundraising and how about when he does his personal financial disclosure form, and he doesn’t put on that he’s borrowing money from Goldman Sachs? “You cant be tea party and at the same time support the ethanol mandate because it’s good politics in Iowa and support the sugar subsidies because it’s good politics in Florida”.

“In most prior elections, Iowa and New Hampshire split”. And then today it comes out that he’s also borrowing money from CitiBank and he doesn’t list it.


“Cruz is not curbing his faith when he heads north, however. He quoted Scripture three separate times during his event at the Pasta Loft and consistently praised “Judeo-Christian values” over those dogged “New York values” he associates with Trump”: Time.

Donald Trump