
Ted Cruz says Donald Trump wants ‘Bernie Sanders-style socialized medicine’

Donald Trump is rolling along and gaining momentum. A CNN/ORC poll last June found that 52 percent of adults had a favorable impression of him, compared with about a third of Americans when he left office.


Trump leads in SC with 36 percent support in the RealClearPolitics poll average.

But he must still do better among non-white voters, who play increasingly large roles in states next up on the nominating calendar – such as SC, where more than half the Democratic electorate will be African-American. Trump also beat out four Republicans, who each received less than 20 percent of the overall vote.

– U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

There hasn’t been a contested national convention since 1976, yet Republican National Committee officials have already had preliminary discussions about the possibility of no candidate securing a majority of delegates in the state-by-state primary contests. But it remains confident in the long haul, and grateful she is exiting a period of the race demographically favorable to Sanders.

Ted Cruz wins by surviving as other candidates wash out, then by defeating Trump head to head. Behind them come the peloton of contenders for the title of establishment alternative, jammed up and elbows out. Ted Cruz, who even Republicans fear would be weak general election candidates.

That sound you hear is the slap of face-palming pundits as the reality of the situation sinks in.

“They’re throwing everything at me except the kitchen sink, and I have the feeling that kitchen sink is coming pretty soon”, he said in a buoyant victory speech.

Poll data shows Trump winning nearly all South Carolina GOP demographic categories. He won 44 percent of those who think the next generation will do better than this one – better than his showing among voters overall. He may finally have a respite from the beating he’s been taking from several candidates and learn from it. And he’s the leader, though barely, in support from party actors.

For now, he reigns supreme with young voters: Clinton received just 16 percent of the vote among people under 29, according to New Hampshire exit polls.

Trump could still lose, Mr. Scala added. Even if this happens, Kasich may just be too moderate to win. She confirmed Cruz will continue to highlight Trump’s past, an allusion to his public support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage. A new spot from the group targets Trump’s “liberal Democratic positions” and highlights his offensive statements against women and a disabled reporter. If so, could he actually win?

Trump, on the other hand, didn’t falter in the Granite State as he had in Iowa.


However, Bush’s claim was not necessarily a convincing one, given the fact that his campaign and Right to Rise, a Super-PAC supporting him, had lavished about 35 million US dollars in the New Hampshire primary while Cruz spent a mere 1 million dollars.

GOP 2016 Debate