
Ted Cruz: Trump Supporters Will Vote For Me Instead

“Let me ask you this specifically about Hispanics and the Hispanic vote and Donald Trump“, said Baldwin.


“So, you know what I say right now, I give more of a political answer”.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has faith – or at least he is trying to convince Republican voters that he does.

It would be reductive – and dismissive of the conservative and populist forces behind Trump’s rise – to say that his campaign simply means that politics has become reality TV. “We love you, all the way to the White House!” she exclaimed, her hands held high in the air.

Trump spoke at the Treasure Island hotel and casino on the Strip. So far, he has raised $20 million for his campaign.

Im not a masochist, Mr. Trump told Chuck Todd, the host of Meet the Press on NBC News, last weekend.

“I vote for Mr. Trump!”

A smiling Trump said he never met Witcher, which she later confirmed. Not for Trump the modesty of hoodie-wearing Silicon Valley: He wore suits and married models and built a 64-story tower in Las Vegas, sheathed in 24-karat gold. Many have also revealed that though they would choose Trump in the upcoming elections, they would prefer him to “tone down the insults a little bit”. He would not leave himself to have his destiny settled by actual voters going to the polls or the caucuses.

Ted Cruz, who visited Trump in his Manhattan office over the summer (at Cruz’s request, as Trump made clear) and has spoken favorably of Trump in many public settings.

Then, in a move I can’t even joke about because it weirded me out so much, Trump patted Witcher on the shoulders and grabbed onto her waist before assuring the audience again that Witcher was a complete stranger to him.

[Donald Trump plots his second act]. Trump has, in the past, pantomimed a firing squad, Fidell said.Bergdahl has been accused of leaving his post in southeastern Afghanistan in June 2009.


For Witcher, who said she had to wait five years to earn legal status in the USA, Trump’s immigration platform is about fairness. I believe in being a positive person.

Myriam Witcher Donald Trump's biggest Hispanic super fan seems confused when asked if she was used by the campaign as part of a set