
Teen Choice Awards Recap: Jessica Alba Leads Call to End Gun Violence

Retweet in honor of her memory for #ChoiceMusicWebStar.


Keep up with more pop music news by hitting us up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Among A-listers including Jennifer Garner and Justin Timberlake were some of the youngest in the business (like The Jungle Book’s 12-year-old Neel Sethi) as well as those who’ve become famous thanks to the internet.

“Christina Grimmie was an awesome person”.

While Jessica led a moving to tribute to victims of gun violence during her emotional speech, many said it was “disgusting” Christina wasn’t mentioned. “They’re the brothers, sisters, daughters and family members of recent victims of gun violence”.

The highlight of the night went to Jessica Alba for shedding light on gun violence and putting an end to it. Ne-Yo sang a cover of Marvin Gaye’s song, “What’s Going On”.

Christina was 22 years old when she was tragically shot and killed, during an autograph signing, after a gunman opened fire following a performance at a Floridian concert venue in June.

“Once Upon a Time” won for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show and its co-stars Jennifer Morrison and Colin O’Donoghue were recognized for Choice TV Liplock. In the weeks leading up to the event, Grimmie’s former manager Brian Teefey tweeted from Grimmie’s social media pages to rally fans to support her bid for the nomination.

After the show, angry fans slammed organisers FOX for “exploiting” her death to gain viewers and then failing to pay tribute to her. “Literally sick from the disappointment”.

“I’m with her. I’m a Hillary supporter, I think she is the best option for our country”.

After receiving the first-ever “Decade Award”, Justin Timberlake gave an inspirational speech about diversity during the 2016 Teen Choice Awards. Dawson, who also bashed the show as “rigged” to his 3 million followeers, called the tweet “disgusting”: “Please don’t use Christina to promote your fake a- award show”, he wrote.


Christina Grimmie performs as part of “The Voice Tour” in 2014 at Cobb Energy Centre, in Atlanta. “I don’t want her lovely face anywhere near that trash show”. “One said: “#TeenChoice used Christina Grimmie’s death to get views for their award show yet they didnt mention her once.

John Cena dressed as presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards a show he co-hosted